4 End Of Lease Cleaning Services To Consider While Leaving Home

End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne

After moving out of a house, no one wants to deal with the cleaning process. The majority of people do not have the time to do it on their own. If this is the case, hiring professional End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne services will help you save time and money.

Our experts at OZ Vacate Cleaning are pros in end-of-lease cleaning and will thoroughly clean your rental house, including bedrooms, kitchens, and bathrooms. They’ll make it as clean as a fresh pin, so there won’t be any evidence that anyone ever lived there. This is one of the main reasons why landlords and tenants seek out move in move out cleaning services.

Following Services Considered When Hiring Move in Move Out Cleaning Companies

Carpet Cleaning

One of the most significant elements of interior design is the carpet. If you don’t clean them on a regular basis, they can get stained. Vacuuming alone cannot remove any of the dirt and dust, as well as any bacteria that may be present in the carpets. Your carpets will be spotless once more after professional carpet cleaning.

End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne

Bathroom Cleaning

Bathrooms are unquestionably the epicentre of bacterial development. Bathrooms need deep cleaning even though they are cleaned regularly. This is especially important if your lease is coming to an end and you need to move out. Bathroom cleaning is one of the most critical tasks on the move in move out cleaning checklist.

Window Cleaning

Anyone who lives in a rental property does not clean the windows on a regular basis. When they are left closed for an extended period of time, they can easily accumulate a lot of dust and dirt. To clean the windows, you can recruit professionals.

Kitchen Cleaning

When you move out, cleaning the kitchen becomes a legal necessity. Cleaning stovetops, grills, ovens, and other kitchen appliances is never an easy job. Dirt and stains may become stubborn over time, and even heavy scrubbing may not be enough to remove them. In order to get rid of them, professional cleaning services use precise techniques.

When determining a time frame for completing the cleaning service, a number of factors are considered, including the current state of the home and its size, as well as any other relevant requirements you might have. A two-bedroom property can take 3-4 hours to clean on average; however, you can call our move in move out cleaning company for a precise estimate. A typical two-bedroom property is cleaned by a team of three to four cleaners. If your property is large, the company will send in additional professionals to ensure that every spot is clean.


You must hire the best cleaning company in the industry, such as OZ Vacate Cleaning, to ensure that your exit cleaning Melbourne service is completed properly in order to please your landlord and get your security deposit back.
