Summer Plumbing Tips to Keep Your Home in Tip-Top Shape


It’s that time of year again. You can smell it in the air, and you know what? It’s not just the flowers. It’s also the fresh-cut grass, barbeque coals, and human sweat mixed with sunscreen. Summer is here, so you might consider taking some time off to enjoy the sunshine—and its accompanying plumbing challenges. If and when you require the assistance of a professional plumbers Maitland to complete your summer to-do list:

Test for leaks.

Testing for leaks. This is one of the most important steps to take before vacation. Most common places where you might find a leak are toilets, sinks and faucets. To test for leaks, use a leak detection solution or water from the hose. If no leaks are found after testing these areas, then inspected by an expert plumber will identify any areas of concern within the system of your home.

plumbers Maitland

Flush the water heater.

As the summer months approach, it’s important to take some time to prepare your plumbing for the season. One of the most important things you can do is to flush your water heater.

Over time, sediment can build up in the tank, causing the heater to work less efficiently and potentially damaging the unit.

By flushing the tank and getting rid of the sediment, you can help extend the life of your water heater and ensure that it runs smoothly all summer long. In addition to flushing the water heater, be sure to check all exposed pipes for leaks and have any repairs made before the weather gets too hot.

These simple steps can help avoid major plumbing problems and keep your home running smoothly all season long.

Check for leaks in the hose bibs and faucets.

As the weather warms up, many of us begin to enjoy spending more time outdoors. However, this can also lead to an increase in water usage, which can put a strain on your plumbing system. To avoid any summertime plumbing disasters, it’s important to check for leaks regularly.

Leaks in hose bibs and faucets are one of the most common problems plumbers see during summer. If you suspect a leak, be sure to turn off the water at the main valve and call a plumber as soon as possible. With just a little bit of preventative maintenance, you can keep your plumbing system running all season smoothly long.

Check your water pressure.

With the summer heat in full swing, it’s the perfect time to ensure your home plumbing is up to handle the increased demand. One way to do this is to check your water pressure. If it’s too high, it can put a strain on your pipes and lead to leaks. If it’s too low, you may not have enough water to meet your needs. The best way to check your water pressure is to call a Emergency Plumber Newcastle.

Make sure you know where your main shut-off valve is located in an emergency. Inspect all exposed pipes for signs of leaks or damage. And if you have an older home, consider having a plumber inspecting your plumbing system to ensure everything is up to code. Taking a few simple steps now can help prevent major problems later on.


It’s important to check your plumbing every year, but it can be easy to forget when you’re busy with other things. This checklist will help ensure that you don’t miss any of the most important parts of your plumbing system. Whether you’re just getting started or need some maintenance work, this guide will be useful for keeping everything working smoothly all year long!
