Quick Fixes Or Professional Help? When To Call An Emergency Plumber

Emergency Plumber

We all know that plumbing is a vital part of home maintenance, but it can also be one of the most frustrating. When things go wrong with your pipes, you might think that you have to call a professional Emergency Plumber Newcastle right away—but is that really necessary? Here are some situations in which a quick fix may be all you need:

Need a quick fix?

If you’re having a plumbing problem that can wait until morning, here are some quick fixes to try:

  • Leaky faucet? Try turning off the water supply valve under your sink and then tightening the screws on the handle. If that doesn’t work, try adding some plumber’s putty before reinstalling it (and make sure it’s turned off).

Emergency Plumber Newcastle

  • Clogged drain? Run hot water down it for several minutes–this will loosen up any gunk in there and allow it to go down with ease when you flush or run more hot water through later.
  • Need to fix an issue with your toilet? Add about half cup baking soda followed by one cup vinegar into bowl; let sit for 10 minutes before flushing again! You may need to repeat this process several times until clog disappears completely but once done should prevent future issues from occurring again due to build up minerals etc..

Do you have an emergency plumbing situation?

If you have an emergency plumbing situation, it’s important to call a plumber as soon as possible. If there is a water leak in your home or if something has burst (for example, a pipe), this can cause significant damage and will require immediate attention.

The same goes for backed up toilets; if the toilet isn’t draining properly or has stopped working altogether, it’s best to call an expert ASAP so that they can get started on fixing the problem right away.

If you’re not sure whether or not your situation is considered an emergency, check out our guide on how to tell if something is wrong with your pipes before calling someone out!

Is there water damage in your home?

If you have water damage, it’s important to act quickly. A little bit of water can cause big problems in your home.

Water damage can lead to mold and mildew growth that could make your house smell bad or even make you sick. It also increases the risk of electrical fires, which can be deadly for anyone who lives in the home and causes structural damage that makes it unsafe for people to live there anymore.

If you think there might be any kind of water damage in your house at all–even if it looks like just a small leak on the wall–call an emergency plumber immediately!


Remember, if you have a plumbing emergency in your home, it’s best to call an Emergency Plumber maitland right away. You can always use the tips in this article as a starting point for your own DIY projects, but they may not be enough in an emergency situation.

The last thing you want is for something like burst pipes or leaking toilets to cause more damage than necessary because they weren’t fixed quickly enough!
